Thursday, September 24, 2009

What Good is the UN?

There is something that I have been thinking about for a while, ever since I was awakened from my apathetic attitude that world events are irrelevant to the current affairs of the US. I have been thinking about the United Nations and whether or not is of any good...? I do not mean to ask this question pithily but in a serious manner. What good is the UN?
Looking back through history, after World War I President Woodrow Wilson went to the Versailles and introduced his idea of the
League of Nations. Wilson did get the League into the Treaty of Versailles but when Wilson brought the Treaty back to the US to be ratified the Congress shot him down (and there were many reasons why this was the case). As a result the League of Nations was formed but since the US was not a part of it, the League collapsed not long after the beginning of WWII. Thus after WWII and the rise of the USSR (and among other factors) the United Nations was formed. But ever since its conception has the UN really big force for good in the world? I do not think so. Now, I am not saying that the UN has not done anything worthwhile in its history, because that would be an utterly absurd assertion. However, my premise is that the US alone has done more good in the world than the UN.
Whenever the UN got involved in the Korean War, if it were not for the US, the UN would not have stopped North Korea from taking over South Korea because it took US military might to stop North Korea. Without the US, the UN would have been powerless in that conflict. Take the First Gulf War; if not for the US Saddam probably would not have been ousted from Kuwait. What about Kosovo? The UN had peace-keepers there but ethnic genocide was still occurring; Clinton sent in US troops, and now Kosovo has been extremely quiet. Remember Mogadishu? In that instance, the US had the power to stop the ethnic cleansing that was occurring but Clinton put us under the purview of the UN and UN put so many rules of engagement upon US forces we were ineffective, and many of us know how that turned out. The US pulled out two weeks after losing two Black Hawks and the UN mission collapsed not long after that. Now to more modern history. Whenever the tsunami hit Indonesia, it was the US who helped, not the UN. The UN sent some money to Indonesia but the US beat the UN's giving exponentially to point where Indonesia told US citizens to stop giving.
Look at the Iraq War; there were a number within the UN who did not want us to go into Iraq and take out Saddam, but what came to light is that many of those who were opposed to the invasion were getting millions from Saddam. Just research the "Oil-for-Food Scandal." So while the UN was busy passing resolutions that it would not enforce, Saddam was murdering thousands of his own people, and proof of this has been uncovered throughout Iraq in finding of dozens of mass graves. It was the US who took out Saddam while the UN sat idly by and did nothing, even when proof of genocide was right in front of their faces.
And now there is the issue of Israel. One of the first things that the UN did was to form the nation of Israel. Now look at the UN. Israel gets attacked by Hamas; UN the sides with Hamas. Iran has said that it wants to destroy Israel; UN sides with Iran. So the very nation that they helped form they have stabbed in the back.

So again I ask, "What good is the UN?" I think the UN is not worth very much.

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