Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Response to My Critic

"Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself."
--Proverbs 26:4

In my post "Did Obama Lie?", the debate within the "Comments" got interesting and there were a few exchanges that got extremely heated, in particular the exchanges between myself and an individual who identifies himself as "Nameless Cynic". After our last bout where I responded to his comment, Nameless Cynic did write a counterargument, but again resorted to ad hominem Furthermore, when I presented my arguments against Nameless Cynic will full logic notation showing how Nameless Cynic's arguments did not logically follow, unfortunately they did not actually address those arguments, not addressing the logical invalidity of their arguments, and again resorted to ad hominem attacks claiming at one point that I had posted my response while drunk (which is somehow supposed to discredit me and legitimize their arguments, which is again an ad hominem attack and an utterly baseless assumption). Therefore, I did not and have not posted any of Nameless Cynic's comments. The reason is as follows:

Whenever a particular individual resorts to ad hominem attacks instead of actually being civil, honorable, say have you, any hope of a rational and productive dialectical discussion evaporates. In which case any further argumentation, at least in my estimation, becomes fruitless and a waste of time. Therefore, I choose to ignore such individuals who resort to such tactics.

In a later comment Nameless Cynic claimed that my "philosophy is weak" because I have not posted his comments. Once again an ad hominem attack. Since I have found the debate fruitless, I have chosen not to give "battle", because ultimately the debate would be fruitless and a waste of my time, and the time of those who would be reading the comments. In my response, and I do not wish for this to be taken as hubris, I never once resorted to ad hominem attacks; unfortunately that was not reciprocated.
Such conventions do not only apply to Nameless Cynic, but to anyone who resorts to what I deem dishonorable tactics, such as using ad hominem attacks. If someone resorts to such tactics I will not post your comments, it is that simple. Is this a sign of 'weakness' as Nameless Cynic claims? Perhaps, but I would contend that walking away from a fruitless debate is more productive than pursuing an argument which in the end will go nowhere, particularly when that debate as resorted to ad hominems and baseless accusations in attempts to legitimize an argument.

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