The way that government is set up, governments do not create profits because governments operate and function via taking money from the private sector by means of taxes. This aspect of taxes is necessary because without taxes a government cannot operate or function and without government there is chaos and disorder. Every single government in the history of the world operates off of taxes. Therefore, since the government operates and functions off of taxes, the government cannot create a profit by the very nature of government. The private sector creates profits and the government taxes those profits; again, this is just how government functions. The ideal situation would be that the government and the private sector have a symbiotic relationship but more times than not the government becomes a parasite on the private sector. Government grows exponentially which then leads to more taxation in order to survive; in this scenario the government becomes a parasite.
So to tie my premises together, given the very nature of government, the government cannot under any circumstance turn a profit under any circumstance which thus entails the conclusion that the government cannot create a profit via nationalizing health care. Nationalizing health care will cost the government more money and in order to pay for this new nationalized health care the government will have to raise taxes. One proposal in the Senate to raise taxes on the rich but I believe this should give a reason to pause for a moment because this brings the whole concept of the government turning a profit off of nationalized health care into question.
If the government was actually going to create a profit via health care then why is the government going to raise taxes? If the government was going to create a profit via health care then the government would not need to raise taxes at all because profits would entail money being earned on behalf of the government. If the government was going to make a profit then raising taxes would not be even considered because it would be absolutely unnecessary to do so. Government profits would totally negate the need for raising taxes, but again, as I have been arguing, the government cannot create a profit by design.
This new nationalized health care system is going to cost the government approximately 1.2 trillion dollars over the next ten years. Well, the government has created an unprecedented amount of debt because it does not have the money it needs to pay for the bailouts and stimulus bills. Therefore, if the government does not have the money to pay for the bailouts and stimulus bills, it logically follows that they do not have the money to pay for nationalized health care.
Therefore, the idea that the government will create a profit via nationalized health care is plainly false since governments cannot create profits because they exist via taxing the profits of the private sector. Nationalizing health care will cause the amount of taxes the government needs to survive to increase, not decrease, and in which case the very idea of the government creating a profit is utterly foolish. There will be no government profits; there is no other way to argue it. It would be better if Obama just was honest about the situation and tell the American people that the government will be spending more money as a result of nationalizing health care.
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