Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Bias Paradox

It does not take a degree to notice that the media in the United States (and really in the world) is bias. There are a few times whenever the news is actually unbiased and reports facts and events as they actually occurred and not through some kind of political agenda lens. Unfortunately, this is not the norm. Typically this is how the media bias is in US shapes up:

CBS: Liberal
MSNBC: Liberal
ABC: Liberal
CNN: Liberal
Fox News: Conservative
BBC: Varies

The reason why I say that the BBC varies is that I have seen instances where the BBC was extremely biased towards liberal points of view while at other times I have seen some of the best objective news coverage in a long while. So, for the BBC, it really depends on the issue they are discussing.
However, I have found that Fox News is more objective than MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN. The problem that I have found is that Fox News does have a considerable more amount of political commentary than the other news stations and as a result, individuals claim that Fox News is purely conservative, which actually is not the case. Individuals confused their political commentary for the actual news that is being reported. If one were to focus solely on the news aspect of Fox News then I think that one would find it be more objective than other news stations.
However, I have encountered a weird phenomena. I have encountered individuals who hate Fox News claiming that it is extremely bias; however, these individuals will watch CNN or MSNBC acknowledging that these news stations are extremely bias and yet they have no problem with it. One day I asked one of these individuals, "So, it's okay if a news station is bias, so long as the bias is liberal?" This individual replied, "No, the news should not be biased." I agreed, but the problem is that despite this claim, this individual found no fault in watching CNN or MSNBC even though they acknowledged the liberal bias. So then I asked, "If you have no problem with CNN liberal bias, what makes Fox News so bad?" Unfortunately, the response was, "They're biased." To that I said, "And?"
Some individuals say, "The people on Fox News are idiots." I ask such individuals, "Why?" The response, "They're biased." So, if the people on Fox News are idiots because they are biased then the people on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are idiots too because (as majority of individuals acknowledge) are biased as well.
Point being, the only reason why I can think that individuals have problems with Fox News is that some individuals think that liberal bias is acceptable while conservative bias is not. However, bias is bias, is it not? Whether the news is bias towards the left or right, bias is bias, and if someone has a problem with conservative bias then they should have a problem with liberal bias as well. Unfortunately, I do not think this is the sentiment of many people. People claim to have a problem with news bias but in reality they do not because they are okay with liberal bias, but not with conservative bias. So, we find ourselves with a paradox; bias is okay but bias is not okay, in logic this is notated as (b v ~b). I call this the Bias Paradox.
Why does this attitude exist? One reason why I think this attitude exists is that for a considerable amount of time the news has had a liberal bias so people have become accustomed to it, it's the norm, but whenever Fox News comes along with its conservative commentary and upsets the norm, that station is viewed with disdain because it does not fit the usual news station mold. Fox News is viewed as a kind of upstart by certain individuals.
Again, I think that when it comes to Fox News, many individuals confuse their political commentary with their actual news reporting. Some individuals think that their commentaries are the news, which is not the case. The Fox News commentaries are about the news, but are not the news. (In the same way, Rush Limbaugh's radio show is not the news, it is a commentary on the news.) Political commentaries are based upon a particular political persuasion but we should not be shocked by this.
Either way, the Bias Paradox is extremely perplexing to me. I want the news to be unbiased; as far as political commentary goes, that is fair game, it can be as biased as it wants to be, because it is political commentary about the news. In order to dissolve the Bias Paradox, people should disdain any bias in the news, whether the bias is liberal or conservative. Accepting one sort of bias but objecting to another sort is paradoxical and involves faulty reasoning.

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